Winter Roofing Services
Warner Roofing provides a variety of roofing services throughout the winter months
The more snow and ice that builds up and sits on your roof, the more weight is put on your shingles, other roofing components, and the structure of the roof deck. Consistent build up of snow and ice on the roof can cause ice damming, which often leads to damage to the lower roof edge, eavestroughs and fascia, and can result in leaks and costly repairs.
Warner Roofing can remove the snow and ice from you roof and eaves to ensure that no extra weight is placed on the most vital components of your roofing system. The removal of this excess weight will also result in better drainage come the spring, thereby minimizing or eliminating expensive repairs due to leaks.
Heating Cables
Heating cables are used to melt ice and snow around the lower edges of the roof to prevent any build up or ice damming. They are easily installed and can last for years. Warner Roofing provides heating cable installations and this work can be done over the winter months. The cost for the installation depends on how many feet of cable you require, so contact us today and we’ll be happy to help you out!
Insulation & Attic Work
Are there rooms in your home that are too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter? Do you hear dripping sounds in your attic? Warner Roofing can help!
Ontario Building Code requires a minimum of 22.5” of insulation be installed in the attic to achieve an R60 value. Over time, insulation can settle, and if other factors are at play, such as condensation, mould or mildew, settling can be expedited. The number one cause of a room being too hot or too cold is due to lack of adequate insulation. Inadequate insulation also shortens the lifespan of a roof, and if your soffits are blocked, your roof ventilation is deficient, or any lines/hoses are exhausting into the attic and not out through the roof, settling can be expedited and you could be in for an unpleasant surprise in terms of costly damage and repairs, not to mention poor air quality circulating throughout your home.
Warner Roofing provides an Attic Inspection service designed to evaluate and address any issues with insulation, condensation, mould or other concerns with your attic. The winter is a great time for an attic inspection, so contact us today to book your appointment!
Winter is a great time to have any metal work done on your home. Whether you need to repair or replace your flashings, eavestroughs, soffit or fascia, Warner Roofing can help!
If your eavestroughs are full of ice or you have a lot of iceless forming, this can cause serious damage to your eavestrough system and lower roof edge, which includes your soffit and fascia. Eavestroughs are lightweight pieces of aluminum – they’re not designed to hold an excessive amount of weight. They often begin to warp and pull away from the home when extra weight is added onto them, which generally results in leaks and drainage issues come the spring.
Any build up of snow and ice in or around the eavestroughs impede the ability for the system to drain properly. When this happens, any trapped water will freeze, and then when the spring comes all this water thaws and makes it way into crevices around the lower roof edge, thereby causing leaks and damage. Often, homeowners don’t know they have an issue before it’s too late.
Replacing or updating metal or vinyl siding is a common procedure during the winter months. These materials are not susceptible to damage during the colder months, which makes the winter a great time to have the look of your home updated with new siding.